Monday - Saturday:10:00 AM - 08:00 PM Sunday:10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Ground floor
pet friendly shop
MOM Park Card accepting!
The now internationally known cosmetics brand was founded by the French gentleman Yves Rocher in 1959 in a small, picturesque French town, La Gacilly. Its brand shop offers a wide range of cosmetic products: from makeups and facial skin care products to body lotions and perfumes, anyone can find the most suitable item from the more than 700 beauty products. Yves Rocher's single source of inspiration is the world of plants, and the use of animal-related materials is avoided during production, including animal testing. The brands essential duty is to protect the environment, hence Yves Rocher uses environment-friendly paper bags instead of plastic ones, and its wrapping papers originate from forest plantations.